Hand surgery
Your hands need you every day - all the more important is the well-functioning motor function and pain-free movement. This is where we can assist you.
Your hands or fingers are injured? Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or a hand tumor? With a targeted intervention, the right treatment, we help you regain as normal mobility and strength as possible. For this we bring the necessary basics such as a steady hand as well as an extremely precise way of working.
We treat:
- Compression neuropathies of the peripheral nerves:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sulcus nervi ulnaris Syndrom
Morbus Dupuytren - Lesions and inflammations of the flexor and extensor tendons:
Snapping finger (tendovaginitis stenosans)
Stenosing tendovaginitis de Quervain - Congenital deformities of the hand
We offer:
Tumor surgery- Tumor surgery
- Plastic reconstructive surgery of the hand such as flap plasty
- Fingernail surgery
- Contractures due to scars and dysfunction of the hands (after burns)